What issues do we work with?

We deal with a wide range of mental health issues at Kalmer Counselling some of which are very specific and you may know why you want to seek counselling. For others you may not know where to start other than needing to speak to a professional to help you work out what may be happening for you. 
Here at Kalmer Counselling we work with a wide range of issues including; Low Mood, Anxiety, Anger, Stress, Worry, Confidence, Self-esteem, Sexual Abuse, Relationships, Depression, Emotional distress, Panic Attacks, Self harm, Bullying,  Neurodivergence, Bereavement, Grief, Trauma, Loss, PTSD, Sexuality, gender and identity issues.

Issues We Deal With

Low Mood

Counselling for low mood would involve exploring the factors contributing to your feelings and working towards addressing them. In therapy would be commonly challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more balanced perspectives. The therapist might also introduce activities that promote mood improvement, such as engaging in hobbies, physical exercise, or social interactions. Additionally, they would work on building your resilience and help develop coping mechanisms to better manage future episodes of low mood.


Treatment for anxiety in counselling would focus on identifying triggers and developing coping mechanisms to manage anxious thoughts and behaviours. Therapy is commonly used to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more balanced perspectives. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation, are often employed to help reduce physical symptoms. The counsellor may also work on building confidence in order to face anxiety-provoking situations.

Anger difficulties

Anger management in counselling typically involves helping to understand the root causes of your anger, often exploring underlying emotions like fear or hurt. Therapy may be used to identify and change thought patterns that contribute to your anger, while also discovering healthier ways to express and manage your emotions. Techniques such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness, and communication skills are often incorporated to help you gain better control over your anger and reduce impulsive reactions.


When focusing on worry in counselling we help you to understand and manage your thoughts and feelings. We use strategies to identify and challenge negative or irrational thought patterns that fuel excessive worry. The therapist will explore with you relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help reduce the physical symptoms. Mindfulness practices can also be introduced to help you stay grounded in the present moment rather than getting caught up in future "what-if" scenarios. The goal is to equip you with practical tools to manage worries more effectively and to foster a sense of control and calm.


Counselling for low confidence & self-esteem issues involves helping to develop a more positive and realistic self-image. In therapy we would use techniques to challenge negative self-beliefs and replace them with more affirming thoughts. We would also work on building confidence, assertiveness and explore your strengths. Activities that promote self-compassion and self-acceptance, such as journaling or mindfulness practices, may also be incorporated into the therapy.


Counselling for depression would involve identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to the depression. The counsellors would work with you to develop coping strategies and ways in which to re-engage with pleasurable activities. Depending on the severity, therapy might also include mindfulness practices, exploring underlying issues, and in some cases, a recommendation to seek medication prescribed by a GP. Counselling for loss extends beyond grief to include any significant life change, such as loss of a job, relationship, or health. The therapist would create a space to help you process the emotional impact of the loss, exploring feelings of sadness, anger, or confusion. Counselling might be used to address negative thoughts and help reframe your experience in a more positive light. An element of the work would also include ways in which to start rebuilding your life, focusing on resilience and the development of new goals.

Panic Attacks

In counselling we would help you focus on understanding the triggers and physiological responses involved in panic. In therapy we would often challenge catastrophic thoughts that fuel panic attacks that create the physical symptoms. The counsellor would also teach relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help you manage and reduce the frequency of panic attacks.

Grief & Bereavement

Grief counselling involves providing a supportive safe space where you can express your feelings and process your emotions. The counsellor would help you navigate the stages of grief, understanding that the process is unique to each individual. Techniques might include narrative therapy, where you can tell your story and try to make sense of it, as well as mindfulness and relaxation exercises to manage the physical and emotional symptoms of grief. The focus is on helping you find some meaning and adjust to life after the death.


Counseling for trauma would take a trauma-informed approach, ensuring that the client feels safe and supported throughout the therapeutic process. Techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or trauma-focused counselling might be employed to help clients process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional impact. The therapist would work on helping the client regain a sense of control, rebuild trust, and develop healthy coping strategies to manage trauma-related symptoms. The overall aim is to facilitate healing and restore a sense of safety and stability in the client's life.

Body Image

Counselling for body image concerns would focus on helping clients develop a healthier, more accepting view of their bodies. This might involve exploring the influence of societal standards, media, and personal history on body image. Therapy could be used to challenge distorted thoughts related to body image, while techniques like mindfulness and self-compassion exercises may help clients cultivate a more positive and appreciative relationship with their bodies. Counseling for weight issues often addresses both the emotional and behavioral aspects of weight management. Therapy might involve exploring the emotional triggers for eating behaviors, such as stress or self-esteem issues, and developing healthier coping mechanisms.


In addressing the effects of bullying, counseling services would focus on helping the client rebuild self-esteem and resilience. Therapy might involve processing the emotional impact of the bullying, exploring ways to assertively respond to bullies, and developing coping strategies to deal with the associated stress and anxiety. For children and adolescents, the counselor might also work with parents or school personnel to create a supportive environment and address the bullying behavior directly.


Counseling for hyperactivity, particularly in children, would involve behavioral interventions aimed at improving self-control and focus. Techniques such as behavioral therapy, parent training, and psychoeducation might be used to help both the child and their family understand and manage hyperactive behaviors. The therapist may also work on developing strategies for improving concentration and reducing impulsive actions, potentially using tools like structured routines, positive reinforcement, and mindfulness exercises.


In treating stress, counseling would focus on identifying stressors and developing effective coping mechanisms to manage them. The therapist might use Therapy to help clients reframe negative thought patterns and reduce the impact of stress. Techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and time management strategies could also be introduced to help clients manage their stress levels. The goal is to equip clients with tools to better handle stress in their daily lives, improving overall well-being.

Social Skills

Counselling services addressing social skills would focus on helping clients develop effective communication, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Therapy might involve role-playing scenarios, social skills training, and behavioural interventions to practice and reinforce positive social interactions. Therapy may also be used to challenge negative thoughts or anxieties related to social situations, building confidence in the client’s ability to engage with others. Group therapy could be particularly beneficial, providing a safe environment for clients to practice social skills with peers.

Child Protection Plan

When working with clients under a Child Protection Plan, counselling services would focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of the child while addressing any underlying issues, such as trauma, neglect, or family conflict. Therapy might involve individual sessions with the child to provide emotional support and develop coping strategies, as well as family therapy to improve communication and relationships within the family unit. The counsellor would collaborate with social services and other professionals to monitor the child’s progress and ensure that the protection plan is effectively supporting the child's needs.


Counselling for transitions, whether related to life changes such as moving, changing jobs, or adjusting to new circumstances, would focus on helping the client navigate the emotional and practical challenges associated with change. The therapist might use Counselling to address any anxiety or stress related to the transition and to help the client develop resilience and adaptability. The counsellor would work on goal-setting, problem-solving, and building confidence to ensure that the client feels supported and equipped to handle the transition smoothly.

Therapy Myths

Private Counselling

Meet the Kalmer Counselling Team

We offer a number of types of counselling at Kalmer Counselling.


Counsellors will work with adults, children or young people on a one-to-one basis, they will address their individual needs. These sessions are suitable for private and school counselling.

Group work (School Only)

Counsellors conduct sessions with up to 8 children together, focusing on a common issue over six weeks period. Examples of sessions may include self-esteem, emotional regulation, grief and loss or transition.

Drop in (School Only)

A Kalmer counsellor will be available with an open door policy during a specified time period, allowing children & young people to share current worries and struggles in the moment.


Brief issue assessment and symptom management over a six week period. We will introduce tools and strategies to deal with and manage their current feelings. Short-term therapy is a low level intervention.


Long-term counselling addresses underlying issues that are contributing to current feelings and behaviours. Counsellors will work with an individual on an ongoing basis to meet the emotional and psychological needs.

School Counselling

Kalmer Counselling creates a bespoke counselling provision depending on the needs within the school. The provision can be flexible and adapt to changes and needs of children & young people within the school. One-to-one, group and drop in sessions are all used within a school setting as required. You can purchase half days or full days in termly blocks. Or to make a saving purchase them for the full academic year.

School Counselling

School Crisis Counselling

This is a specialist counselling service that involves high-level therapeutic intervention, based on an unforeseen often traumatic event. The most common use of the services death of a member of staff or pupil.

School Counselling

School Staff Training

Kalmer Counselling can provide tailored staff training sessions either online or in person. This can be focused on staff or children & young peoples mental wellbeing.

Staff Wellbeing Workshops

Our wellbeing workshops are designed to empower by improving emotional intelligence, emotional regulation and self-awareness. We offer set workshops but can also design bespoke workshops in accordance to your needs.

Single Sessions

Kalmer Counselling single sessions are designed for those who want to have a taster session or have a specific issue they want to explore and develop instant coping strategies.⁠ These sessions are delivered online. These sessions are open to adults, young people or parents.

Single Sessions